Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Activelys

At Activelys, safeguarding your privacy is our top priority. This Privacy Policy delineates how we gather, utilize, divulge, and safeguard your information when you engage with our website [] (the "Site") and our mobile application (the "App"). By accessing or utilizing our Site or App, you acknowledge that you have perused, comprehended, and consented to be bound by all the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with this Privacy Policy, kindly refrain from accessing or using the Site or App.

Collection of Information

We collect various forms of information when you visit our Site or App, encompassing:

  • Personal Information: Such as your name, email address, phone number, and shipping address when you make a purchase or create an account.
  • Payment Information: Essential for securely processing payments.
  • Device Information: Details regarding the device you utilize to access our Site or App.
  • Usage Information: Insights into your interactions with our Site or App.
  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Employed to enrich your browsing experience and gather demographic data.

Use of Information

We may employ the information we gather for diverse objectives, including:

  • Order Fulfillment: Executing orders, communicating with you, and providing customer assistance.
  • Personalization: Tailoring your experience and customizing content, advertisements, and offers.
  • Product Enhancement: Improving our products and services and conducting market analysis.
  • Security: Detecting and preventing technical issues, fraud, or unlawful activities.
  • Compliance: Abiding by applicable laws and enforcing our terms and policies.

Sharing of Information

We may share your information with third parties for purposes such as:

  • Service Providers: Assisting us in conducting our business operations.
  • Business Transitions: In scenarios like mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales.
  • Legal Obligations: To adhere to laws, regulations, or legal procedures.
  • With Your Consent: As disclosed during the collection process.

Data Security

While we implement appropriate measures to safeguard your information, please note that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is entirely secure.

Your Choices

You have the option to refrain from providing certain information, though this may limit your access to certain features. Additionally, you can opt-out of receiving promotional communications.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy to reflect alterations in our practices or legal requirements. Please periodically review this Privacy Policy for any updates.

Contact Us

Should you have any inquiries or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to visit our Contact page and connect with our customer service team. We are here to provide assistance and ensure that your privacy concerns are addressed.

Thank you for selecting Activelys. We value your trust and support!